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Y W A M - H E R E D I A

Igniting passion for the Gospel through sustainable stewardship

Youth With A Mission is an international 501-C3 that establishes campuses around the world for the purpose of Discipleship, sustainability training while teaching of the Word of God.


Their senior MEI staff (Mission Enablers International), being concerned with minimal growth during the Covid-19 Global Pandemic, solicited the assistance of Media Professionals and Marketing Strategists to assist with their online presence during their annual fundraising season.


Smeltzer Inc. was awarded a 100 day contract as an external consulting firm for the exact purpose of social media management, digital training and objective perspective in relation to the ministry's online direction with a minor emphasis on program enrollment and fundraising as a major component.


*Actual screenshot from Clients' Facebook Dashboard


*Actual screenshots from Clients' Facebook Dashboard

"Smeltzer connected with us immediately and established rapport with my marketing team, learning the intricacies of our priorities and unique reputation. His detailed reporting and follow up was unexpected, erasing any doubt about the effectiveness of online media strategy.


Smeltzers' knowledge of current trends made us cutting edge with his approach, guaranteeing us the greatest audience possible and allowing us to generate enough exposure to meet our annual fundraising requirements within four months."

                                                                             ~Andy Huddleston, MEI Director


*Actual screenshots from Clients' Instagram Dashboard

Smeltzer isolated target audiences and marketed imagery and messaging directly to them, allowing for astounding growth despite the narrow project timeline. In addition to generating post content and scheduling activity, Smeltzer also encouraged profile interactions by responding to comments, direct messages and fielding phone calls on behalf of the YWAM - Heredia Campus.

Smeltzers' posts remain the most interacted with content in YWAM's online history.

To learn more about Youth With A Mission, visit their website below.

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